viernes, 25 de marzo de 2016


After endless editing and two months of trying to upload this post, I can finally bring you a very special post:

To most of us, the fact of saying goodbye is unacceptable and we therefore prefer to just leave it as a “see you soon”. However, not only does saying goodbye tears us up, but also does our “see you soon” as it can sometimes be ambiguous: Who knows how much time this is? Or who knows when are we meeting up again? This is something that scares us and breaks relationships, dreams and smiles.

It basically breaks lots of things; nevertheless it also creates stronger relationships and emotional bonds, hopes and journeys.

As you already know, goodbyes hurt partly because they happen face to face, but today I am going to discuss it from another perspective. I am going to talk about those goodbyes we should do everyday:

- Say goodbye to your fears, those that don’t let you pursue your dreams.

- Say goodbye to your shames, enjoy every minute as if you were a kid.

- Say goodbye to the fears that don’t let you be yourself.

- Say goodbye to toxic people.

- Say goodbye to those who prevent you from shining.

- Say goodbye to your faces of disgust and to your bad mood.

- Say goodbye to the layer of dirt that you once put on top of yourself to hide your virtues.

Say goodbye to your shyness to let the greatness of yourself appear.

Say goodbye to the tears to let your smile shine (as flawed as it is).

- Say goodbye to your obsessions and bring out the best of you.

- Say goodbye to the thought of “what will they say?” and start trusting in you.

- Say goodbye to your vertigo, get on a plane and explore the world.

Say goodbye to trying to fit in society, because you are special just like you are.

- Say goodbye to failure and try everything as many times as you may need.

Say goodbye to the bad vibes and let yourself go.

Say goodbye to the laziness.

- Say goodbye to how you were in the past and open the door to your new self.

Say goodbye to the sadness and let the happiness fulfil every single corner of your days.

Let happiness be the axis of your life, your own happiness.

                                                        It’s the time

domingo, 20 de marzo de 2016


Vida, qué palabra más corta pero qué significado tan grande.
Significados grandes pero poco y mal valorados.
¿Te has parado a pensar realmente lo que es la vida? ¿Que vida es tiempo? ¿Que el tiempo es irrecuperable, que se va para no volver?
Seguramente no te lo has planteado nunca.
Tiempo.. ahí está la clave. Vida es tiempo; y el tiempo no vuelve.

Vida es todo aquello que algunos ya no tienen, que se les acabó cuándo le habían encontrado sentido a lo que realmente es la vida.
Ahora, párate y piensa, ¿estás viviendo tu vida como si no se volviese a repetir, como si ese tiempo que dejas pasar no vuelve nunca? ¿estás disfrutando de ella y haciendo todo lo que de verdad quieres y te hace feliz como si se acabase mañana o dentro de poco?
Si la respuesta es no, HAZLO. Cambia de rumbo, de dirección y hazlo.
Piensa en todos aquellos que les gustaría seguir viviendo y no pueden. Todos los que encontraron sentido a la vida y realmente se dedicaban a lo que realmente les hacía feliz y ya no pueden; no porque ya no les haga feliz, sino porque se les agotó el tiempo, se les apagó la vida.

Vida solo hay una. Es todo lo que te propongas, todo lo que tienes por delante.
Vida es lo que te da sentido, lo que te hace feliz.
Vida es el conjunto de tus actos.
Vida es tiempo y tu manera de aprovecharlo.
Vida es toda oportunidad que dejas pasar.

Vida eres tú.